Lobster Boat Portland, ME 6" x 6" Oil on Panel I started this painting on day 7. The boat went into shadow within 30 mins so I brought it home to finish. The next two days were spent cleaning out my office space so that I can now have a designated space to paint at home. In the process I threw out my back so I took off two days from painting. I went back to it yesterday to finish up this painting and I'm just not feeling like I'm finished. I found myself really tired from the 37 days straight of doing back to back challenges, and it felt good to give myself permission to take a couple of days off. These are all self imposed challenges and it is not life and death if I don't paint, it is just a way to develop commitment and skill. I'm realizing that it is just as important to take a break to recharge as it is to paint. Cleaning out my office is something I have talked about for months so although it isn't finished it is begun and doesn't seem so daunting. It freed up a lot of energy to begin painting again.
Gala Apple 6" x 6" Oil on Canvas Paper Took a break from car painting and painted an apple. I actually love painting simple still lives and really looking and seeing what is right in front of me, the subtlety of colors and values. I found some pre cut Canvas paper sheets so gave it a try. I'm not crazy about them. I actually thought it was actual canvas when I bought it. It really dulls down when it dries and then it needs to be mounted so I think I will stick with the panels.
Farm Falmouth, ME 6" x 6" Oil on Panel I did this quick plein air study after the rain and February Thaw. I've painted this spot once before and I find it very challenging to paint. I think its this particular barn style. It just snowed again so I may give it another try.
Day 1 Portsmouth Waterfront Portsmouth, NH 6" x 6" Oil on Panel Four days after completing the Strada 31 day challenge Lori Putnam, who I recently completed a 6 month mentorship with, challenged her students to 30 days of drawing or painting each day. The work doesn't have to be from life and can just be a 10 minute doodle, but just to do something everyday for 30 days. We don't need to post on our FB page, just on her private atelier group page. I had been a little sad that the Strada Challenge had ended, I loved the support of the group and I felt as though I was growing as a painter, painting from life everyday. I am attempting to continue painting from life but I have to admit after 37 days I'm feeling kind of tired! I do have some projects to start working on so this month most likely won't all be from life but just picking up the brush or pencil everyday is the goal! This has always been one of my favorite views of Portsmouth. I didn't have much time so I just wanted to do a quick value and color study. Hoping to get back for another try if we get some more snow. Day 2 Portland Headlight Fort Williams Cape Elizabeth, ME 6" x 6" Oil on Panel What an incredible day this was. 60 degrees on the coast of Maine in February. No car painting for me, sat on a bench in the sun without hat and gloves and enjoyed every minute. A lot of the snow was melting but there was still quite a bit on the north facing rock faces and slopes and in the shaded areas. February Thaw! Day 3 Hilltop Barn New Gloucester, ME 6" x 6" Oil on Panel Day 4
Richmond Island Cape Elizabeth, ME 6" x 6" Oil on Panel Farmhouse in Winter Morristown, VT 6" x6" Oil on Panel Ram Island Ledge Light
Fort Williams Cape Elizabeth, ME 6" x 6" Oil on panel It was a successful month. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone in several areas, painting from life everyday, painting still lives, posting each and everyone on FB and painting in my car!! All of these made me a stronger painter. I didn't win the easel, but that just would've been icing on the cake. I met and interacted with some wonderful artists and realized how important it is to feel connected to a community of artists. Strada does a wonderful job of connecting artists and creating a supportive community on their FB Group, Strada Painting and Drawing from Life. I so enjoyed the momentum I had developed and continued a couple of days afterwards only to learn that Lori Putnam who I completed a 6 month mentorship with was asking her students on her online atelier to take a 30 day challenge of painting or drawing everyday for 30 days. It is much looser. She just wants us to do something everyday even if it is for 5 minutes, drawing, painting, doodling and just posting on the private online atelier. I figured it was a good chance to keep the momentum going and to try to paint from life as much as possible. Four days in and I'm feeling exhausted. IT's been 38 days straight. I have such admiration for people who have gone for years without missing a day. I may have to bring out a photo today!!
Mt Mansfield Stowe, VT 6" x 6" Oil on Panel It's a winter wonderland in Stowe. Several feet of snow and today we were blessed with a few hours of sun so I took advantage of painting out the window again. Painting this view of Mt Mansfield is getting a little less intimidating, just need to keep at it. Snow Squalls are passing through currently issuing in the frigid air. Feeling fortunate having a wood stove and a warm house!
Balancing Act 6" x 6" Oil on Panel I'm still finding new ceramic pieces made by my daughter Ava to paint during this Challenge. thought I'd try a different angle.
Mt Washington Hotel Mt Washington White Mountains New Hampshire 6" x 6" Oil on Panel Today was a travel day to VT so I stopped along the way to get #28. I had very little time and had to park behind a snowbank so I made up the general idea of the road. Not successful so I will finish up from a photo. Today was a gorgeous day and it was tough to have a time deadline and to drive by so many incredible paintings!
SARA GRAYAfter spending over 20 years photographing professionally I thought it was time to explore something new and experience my world with paint and a brush. Archives
March 2019
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